Saturday, January 5, 2013

2012: a year, a baby, a blog.

As most of you already know this last year has been largely shaped by the birth of our son Judah. This post could go on and on with thousands of cute baby pictures, but I'm sure only the hardiest of readers would make it past the first five hundred. So I'm left with the very difficult task of filtering the year down to the size of a single post (for those inclined to take the plunge in to the land of overwhelming cuteness you can friend one of us on Facebook). The year started with signs of spring.
At least, we don't remember much before Judah being born, it was probably a semester like others, but it ended early. These signs of spring meant much more for us this year.
Somehow we finished the semester, though with a little bit of juggling.
Then we promptly left our home and went to Oregon so that I (Ryan) could be an intern at Intel (giant company that does many amazing things). We had several visits from friends and family.
Saw many sights and enjoyed Portland (including lots of good food). Met up with old friends (how can we have no pictures of this?).
Judah saw his first volcano.
Rebekah and Judah went back to New York to see his cousins.
At the end of the summer we had a wonderful time picking blackberries and visiting with the Farringtons.
We also took lots of pictures of Judah. This one may be my most favorite ever.
Just in case you thought we didn't do anything without Judah, we went to a soccer game.
The fall semester settled in and we got really busy, but we were continually reminded of our new pace of life as it seemed like Judah hits some new milestone every week. New teeth, sleeping though the night (sometimes), standing while holding on to chair, eating solid food, playing in the snow, babbling, and toying with words to name a few.
It has been wonderful fun to grow as a family. Merry Christmas (late), Happy New Year (a little late), and Splendid Epiphany (slightly early?). As we have celebrated the birth of our son this year, we have been even more in awe that our Lord came to earth as a baby, and we pray that you are blessed by His incarnation this season and throughout the year.


Janet said...

A wonderful year in review!

Anonymous said...

An amazing young family! Love you all!
Aunt Vicki

Anonymous said...

Love it! Your kiddo is adorable. And it's great to see your friendly faces, too. :-) Too bad you don't live in Missoula anymore. We're driving to Montana this summer and it'd be so fun to get together. Ah well. Maybe this fall at Homecomming?

-Nicky Alworth

Adriel said...

Hurrah! A hearty and belated congratulations on little Judah! :-) He looks cute AND smart...

Unknown said...

We are so glad you could be a part of our year Aunt Vicki! Sorry to all of those that we missed this year.

Nicky we hope to come to homecoming, it would be great to see everyone. I must admit I'm quite envious that you get to go to Montana. Enjoy it for us!

Adriel, thanks! I keep meaning to figure out a way that we could see you guys. We are basically neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great year! Miss you guys!