Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I thought I should write about some of the Christmas food we have experienced so far in our 2006 Christmas journeys. First up is the company Christmas party. The food here is pulled pork BBQ sandwiches and some really good beans to go with it. There was also some excellent hot sauce.

Next we have Christmas morning at my parents' house. Traditionally we have summer sausage with cheese, crackers, and mustard, but my Dad is on a ultra low sodium diet so sausage was not an option. Instead we cooked up some thinly sliced steak with a bunch of sodium free spices. Mom made a non-spicy version that was made with plum jam. We also found some really good honey mustard that was very low sodium. For cheese we had smoked Gouda, which had a lot of sodium.

Lastly we have Christmas dinner at Rebekah's parents where we enjoyed a Giant Eagle (Doug is picking the eagle bones for dark meat in the picture, and the mark on his hand is the stamp from ice skating, not a tattoo). In addition to the eagle we had raspberry jello, corn, green beans with almonds, stuffing, gravy, crescent rolls and mashed potatoes.
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Christmas Pets

Mobius wasn't a fan of her antlers.

Daru suffered through hers.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Busy Christmas

I had a busy week of work before Christmas and was able to solve some problems (not all) before the extended Christmas weekend. We had a lovely time with my parents celebrating even though just about everyone in their house had a cold (Yuki the cat was the only one unscathed). So we are in the airport right now headed to Pennsylvania.

I made an album cover for the previously mentioned Christmas album, I'll post pictures of it later. We will have an internet connection at Woody and Nancy's so there should be more posts in the near future.

So I sold my Canon G3 and we now need to get either a Canon S3 IS or the Canon G7. We still can't decide which (it has to be one of those two options as I need to be able to remote capture with it with Canon's new SDK).

Plane is boarding now, so I have to go...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Off we go

Tomorrow morning we leave for California!

Back to packing...

Christmas Blog

So Rebekah had the idea that instead of a Christmas letter that we would send out, we could have a Christmas blog.

Here it is.

I'm going to work on decorating the template so that it looks more Christmasish.